Seven most wanted personal equipments for successful men

Seven most wanted personal equipments for successful men

(figure 1)

For male managers, a bright suit is naturally essential. To buy a suit, you must hold the principle of "relying on the lack of abuse," and pay special attention to texture and workmanship. The fancy buttons, the belt behind the coat, the weird stitches, the squares in the front pocket, the anti-abrasion patches and the leather decorations should not appear in the official suit. The plain dark color is always the best choice for the suit. The shirts and ties are also meticulously matched, and Accessories of different colors, patterns, and materials are selected according to the occasion. Socks can not be ignored, the better the material, the more formal the feeling. Stockings and thin cotton socks are best suited for formal suits. Fine wool socks and socks are suitable for work wear. The length should be to the calf, so that it does not reveal the leg skin after sitting down. The color should be consistent with the suit color.

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