Antibacterial fiber will inject new life into the textile industry

Antibacterial fiber will inject new life into the textile industry

Antibacterial fiber will inject new life into the textile industry

Zhao Danqing, chairman of Kanglun Fiber, believes that the level of R&D investment is not only related to whether the company can produce good products, but also the premise of independent innovation of the enterprise. It is also the foundation of enterprise development. Therefore, the company’s annual investment in research and development has never been lower. 5%.
With the improvement of people's living standards, whether underwear is antibacterial is getting more and more attention from consumers. At present, most of the common moisture wicking fibers on the market have no way to deal with bacteria. CLEANCOOL, a fiber product developed by Shanghai Xingnuo Kanglun Fiber Technology Co., Ltd., is expected to fill this gap and inject new life into the textile industry.
At present, as a manufacturer with strong technical foundation in the domestic textile field, CLEANCOOL developed by Conlon Fiber not only emphasizes the moisture absorption and quick-drying effect of the product, but also adds silver-based antibacterial substances inside the fiber, which can quickly kill various kinds of human body. Harmful germs.
It is precisely because CLEANCOOL has antibacterial properties. At present, in addition to the use of military fields such as the British Ministry of Defense and the Chinese Navy's Gulf of Aden escort fleet, it has also received favorable comments in the medical field.
[China Antibacterial Fabric Network ]
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